2156 Kenthurst
Statistics for postcode 2156 in Kenthurst
- Geographical Coordinates: Latitude -33.6547, Longitude 150.983
Enter the postcode or city name to display information:
Postcodes within 5 km:
Postcodes within 10 km:
2158 Round Corner
2156 Glenhaven
2765 Nelson
2155 Kellyville
2155 Beaumont Hills
2159 Galston
2158 Dural
2157 Glenorie
2159 Arcadia
2155 Rouse Hill
2155 Kellyville Ridge
2765 Maraylya
2154 Castle Hill
2768 Stanhope Gardens
2765 Vineyard
2765 Oakville
1765 Castle Hill
2765 Box Hill
2769 The Ponds
2159 Fiddletown
2768 Glenwood
2153 Bella Vista